Tuesday, August 26, 2014



A   |   i. 1-5.   Introduction.
     B   |   C   |   i. 6 - xxxii. 47.   The Tribes.  
                                    Their administration.
                  D   |   xxxii. 48-52.   Moses.  
                                    His death announced.
     B   |   C   |   xxxiii. 1-29.   The Tribes.  
                                          Their blessing.
                  D   |   xxxiv. 1-7.   Moses.  
                               His death accomplished.
A   |   xxxiv. 8-12.   Conclusion.

Monday, August 25, 2014


A1   |   i. 1 - iv. 49.   Numeration and order.  
                                Encampment and service.
      B1   |   v. 1 - ix. 23.   Laws and events.
A2   |   x. 1-36.   Journeyings and order.  
      B2   |   xi. 1 - xxv. 18.   Events and laws.
A3   |   xxvi. 1 – xxvii. 11.   Numeration and order.  
      B3   |   xxvii. 12 - xxxi. 54.   Events and laws.
A4   |   xxxii. 1 - xxxvi. 12.   Journeyings and order.  
                                          Division of land.


A   |   i.-vii.   Five offerings.   Worship.   |
         a   |   i.   Whole  Burnt  Offering.
             b   |   ii.   Meal  Offering.
                 c   |   iii.   Peace  Offering.
         a   |   iv., v.-.   Sin  Offering.
             b   |   -v.-vii.   Trespass  Offering.
     B   |   viii.-xv.   |  
               d   |   viii., ix.   Priests’ service.
                   e   |   x.   Warning to priests.  
                                  Nadab destroyed.
                       f   |   xi.-xv.   A clean people.  
                                           “Make a difference.”
          C   |   xvi., xvii.   Atonement for sins.  
                                    Blood sprinkled seven times.
     B   |   xviii.-xxv.   |           
                       f   |   xviii.-xxii.   A clean people.  
                                                “Put a difference.”
               d   |   xxiii.-xxv.   People’s service.
                   e   |   xxiv. 10-16.   Warning to people.  
                                                  Blasphemer stoned.
          C   |   xxvi.   Punishment for sins.  
                               Seven times.
A   |   xxvii.   Five vows and the redemption.   |
         a   |   1-13.   Devoted  persons  or  beasts.
             b   |   14, 15.   Devoted  houses.
                 c   |   16-24.   Devoted  fields.
         a   |   26-29.   Devoted  man  or  beast.
             b   |   30-34.   Devoted  tithes.


A   |   i. 1 - ii. 10.   The bondage of Israel begun.
     B   |   ii. 11 - xiv. 31.   Freedom effected.
A   |   xv. 1-21.   The bondage of Israel ended.
     B   |   xv. 22 - xl. 38.   Freedom used.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Genesis as a whole

A1   |   i. 1 - ii. 3.   The introduction.
     A   |   i. 1.   “The world that then was” (II Pet. iii. 6).
                             Before the overthrow.”
          B   |   i. 2.   Its end.
                             Disruption (katabole).
     A   |   i. 3-31.   “The heavens and the earth which are now” (II Pet. iii. 7).
                                   Since the overthrow.”
         B   |   ii. 1-3.   Their end.
                                Rest (the sabbath).

A2   |   ii. 4 - xl. 26.   The eleven generations.
     C   |   Preparation of the nations.   70 in number (Genesis x.)
              E   |   The heavens and the earth (ii. 4 - iv. 26).
                   F   |   Adam (v. 1 - vi. 8).
                       G   |   Noah (vi. 9 - ix. 29).
                            H   |   The sons of Noah (x. 1 - xi. 9).
                                 I   |   Shem (xi. 10-26).
                                                       /   The link between
        D   |   Terah (xi. 27 - xxv. 11).   {     the nations and
                                                       \    the great nation
     C   |   Preparation of the great nation.   70 souls (Exod. i. 5).
                                              hence literality of Deut. xxxii. 8.
              E   |   Ishmael (xxv. 12-18).
                  F   |   Isaac (xxv. 19 - xxxv. 29).
                      G   |   Esau (xxxvi. 1-8).
                           H   |   The sons of Esau (xxxvi. 9-43).
                                I   |   Jacob (xxxvii. 2 - xl. 26).   


A1   |   i. 1 - ii. 3.   The introduction.

A2   |   ii. 4 - xl. 26.   The eleven generations.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Old Covenant -- The Psalms

The   Psalms   (Kethubim.   The Writings).

A   |   THE PSALMS. — Personal experience and future prophecy.
     B   |   PROVERBS. — God’s moral government.
         C   |   JOB. — “The end of the Lord.”   Defeat of Satan.
             D   |   SONG OF SOLOMON. — A faithful woman.
                                                              Read at Passover.
                  E   |   ECCLESIASTES. — Vanity under the sun.
                                                              Read at Tabernacles.
             D   |   ESTHER. — A faithful woman. 
                                                               Read at Purim.
          C   |   DANIEL. — The time of the end.   Defeat of Antichrist.
     B   |   EZRA-NEHEMIAH. — Men who governed for God.
A   |   CHRONICLES. — Past history and foreshadowed future.

Old Covenant -- The Prophets

The Prophets (Nebi’im).

A   |   JOSHUA. — “The Lord of all the earth.”
                                  Joshua the leader.
     B   |   JUDGES AND RUTH. — Forsaking and returning.  Israel.
         C   |   SAMUEL. — Man’s king rejected.
             D   |   KINGS. — Failure of kings of Israel and Judah.
             D   |   ISAIAH. — Blessing only under God’s king, the Messiah.
         C   |   JEREMIAH AND LAMENTATIONS. — Human kings rejected.
     B   |   EZEKIEL. — Forsaking and Returning.  The Lord.
A   |   THE MINOR PROPHETS. — “The Lord of all the earth.”
                                                             Joshua the High Priest.

Old Testament -- Torah

THE LAW (Torah)

A   |   GENESIS.   The Beginning.
                      The nations and “the great nation”.
     B   |   EXODUS.   Redemption.
                      The nation formed and separated.
          C   |   LEVITICUS.   Worship.
                      The nation trained “a kingdom of Priests”.
     B   |   NUMBERS.   Wandering.
                      The nation’s failure—finally blessed.
A   |   DEUTERONOMY.   The End.
                       “The second time.” Ready to enter the land.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A   |   i. 1-28.   The forerunner.
     B   |   i. 29-34.   The baptism:  with water.
          C   |   i. 35 - xviii.1.   The fourfold ministry of the Lord.   |
                      e   |   i. 35 - iv. 54.  The kingdom.   \   proclaimed
                          f   |   v. 1 - vi. 71.   The King.       /
                          f   |   vii. 1 - xi. 54-.   The King.        \
                      e   |   xi. -54 - xviii. 1.  The kingdom.   /   rejected
     B   |   xviii. 2 - xx. 31.   The baptism:  of suffering
                                          (death, burial, & resurrection).
A   |   xxi. 1-25.   The successors.


A   |   i. 1-8.   The forerunner.
     B   |   i. 9-11.   The baptism:  with water.
          C   |   i. 12, 13.   The temptation:  in the wilderness.
               D   |   The fourfold ministry of the Lord.   |
                      e   |   i. 14-20.  The kingdom.         \   proclaimed
                          f   |   i. 21 - viii. 30.   The King.   /
                          f   |   viii. 31 - x. 52.   The King.    \
                      e   |   xi. 1 - xiv. 25.  The kingdom.   /   rejected
          C   |   xiv. 26-42.   The agony:  in the garden.
     B   |   xiv. 43 - xvi. 14.   The baptism:  of suffering
                                           (death, burial, & resurrection).
A   |   xvi. 15-20.   The successors.


A   |   i. - iii.             PERFECT
                                  i.1-4.   Prologue.
                          (1)   i. 5 - ii. 39.   Being and Birth.
                          (2)   ii. 40-52.   Childhood and Confirmation.
                          (3)   iii.   Development and Anointing.
B   |   iv. - ix.36.       PERFECTED
                          (1)   iv. 1-14.   Temptation.
                          (2)   iv. 15 - ix. 27.   Teaching.
                          (3)   ix. 28-36.   Transfiguration.
C   |   ix. 37 - xxiv.   PERFECTING           
                                   ix. 37-50.   Prelude.
                 (1)   ix. 51 - xviii. 30.   Purpose and Preparation.
                 (2)   xviii. 31 - xxiv. 12.   Approach and Accomplishment.
                 (3)   xxiv. 13-53.   Administration.


A   |   i. 1 - iii. 12.   Preparation.
     B   |   iii. 16, 17.   Voice from heaven.  “My beloved Son.”
              iv. 17.   Time:  “From that time Jesus began”.
          C   |   xvi. 16.   Peter’s confession,
                     “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”.
     B   |   xvi. 21.   Time:  “From that time forth began Jesus”.
              xvii. 5.   Voice out of cloud.  “My beloved Son.”
          C   |   xxvii. 54.   Centurion’s confession,
                                     “Truly this was the Son of God”.
A   |   xxviii.   Conclusion.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Revelation of Jesus Christ

A  |  i.  Introduction.  The angel testifying.  Behold He cometh.  The Son of man.
                                    John falls at the feet of Christ.  Seven stars.
    B  |  ii., iii.  The Remnant on the earth.  Time of tribulation.  Exhortations to overcome.
                        Suffering in view of the new heaven and earth,
                         paradise and new Jerusalem.
        C  |  a1  |  iv., v.  In heaven.--The throne, the book, the Lamb,
                                                         living ones, all creation.
                     b1  |  vi. 1-vii. 8.  On earth.--The six seals.
                                                                 The 144,000 of the children of Israel.
               a2  |  vii. 9-viii. 6.  In heaven.--The great multitude and the seventh seal.
                     b2  |  viii. 7-xi. 14.  On earth.--The sounding of the six trumpets.
               a3  |  xi. 15-19-.  In heaven.--The sounding of the seventh trumpet.
                                                              The kingdom.
                     b3  |  xi. -19.  On earth.--The earthquake, &c.
               a4  |  xii. 1-12.  In heaven.--The woman, man-child, dragon.
                     b4  |  xii.13-xiii. 18.  On earth.--The dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
               a5  |  xiv. 1-5.  In heaven.--The Lamb and 144,000.
                     b5  |  xiv. 6-20.  On earth.--The six angels.
               a6  |  xv. 1-8.  In heaven.--The seven angels with vials.
                     b6  |  xvi. 1-xviii. 24.  On earth.--The seven vials.
               a7  |  xix. 1-16.  In heaven.--The marriage of the Lamb.
                     b7  |  xix. 17-xx. 15.  On earth.--The final judgment and millennial reign.
    B  |  xxi.-xxii. 5.  The new heavens and earth.  The new Jerusalem.
                                 No more sorrow nor death.  The tree of life.
                                 The overcomers inheriting these things.
A  |  xxii. 6-21.  Conclusion.  John falls at angel's feet.  The bright and morning star. 
                                                Angel testifying.  Surely I come quickly.

Acts of the Apostles

A   |   i. 1-11.   The Jew prominent.   |
         a   |   Christ is teaching concerning “the kingdom of God”.
             b   |   “Wilt thou restore the kingdom to Israel?”
     B    |    c   |   i. 12-26.   Peter’s preparation and introduction.
                    d   |   ii. 1-13.   Peter’s spiritual qualification,
                                                and enduement.
                        e   |   ii. 14 - xi. 26 (30).   Peter’s ministry. 
                                                                Jerusalem, Judaea.
                            f   |   xii. 1-23.   Peter’s sufferings,
                                                     imprisonment, and deliverance.
     B    |    c   |   xii. 24, 25.   Paul’s preparation and introduction.
                    d   |   xiii. 1-4.   Paul’s spiritual qualification,
                                                and enduement.
                        e   |   xiii. 5 - xix. 20.   Paul’s ministry. 
                                                  Antioch, and the regions beyond.
                            f   |   xix. 21 - xxviii. 24.   Paul’s sufferings
                                                                    and imprisonment.
A   |   xxviii. 25-31.   The Jew set aside.   |
         a   |   Paul preaching “the kingdom of God”,
                    and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.
             b   |   Salvation of God sent to Gentiles.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


A   |   1, 2.   Benediction.
     B   |   3.   Exhortation.  Beloved.   Earnestly contend for faith.
          C   |   4.   Ungodly men "of old".
               D   |   5-.   Remembrance.   The Lord’s acts.
                    E   |   -5-16.   Judgment.   |
                              a   |   -5-8.   Three examples: 
                                                   Israel, angels and Sodom.
                                  b   |   9, 10.   Michael the archangel.
                                                       Unrecorded elsewhere.
                                                       Reference to Satan.
                              a   |   11-13.   Three examples: 
                                                     Cain, Balaam and Korah.
                                  b   |   14-16.   The Lord and holy myriads.
                                                       Unrecorded elsewhere.
                                                       Allusion to Satan.
               D   |   17.   Remembrance.   The Lord’s words.
          C   |   18, 19.   Ungodly of "last time".
     B   |   20-23.   Exhortation.  Beloved.   Build up on faith.
A   |   24, 25.   Doxology.


A   |   a   |   i. 1-4.   Patience.
             b   |   i. 5-8.   Prayer.
     B    |     c   |   i. 9, 10-.   The law exalted.  The rich made low.
                     d   |   i. -10, 11-.   Life likened to grass.
                         e   |   i. -11.   The end of the rich.
          C   |   i. 12-16.   Lust.
               D   |   i. 17.   Good gifts from above.
                    E   |   i. 18-27.   God’s Word and its effects.
                         F   |   ii. 1-7.   The faith without partiality.
                              G   |   ii. 8.   The royal law.
                                   H   |   ii. 9-11.   Moses’ law—one offence breaks it.
                              G   |   ii. 12, 13.   The law of liberty.
                         F   |   ii. 14-26.   Faith without works.
                    E   |   iii. 1-14.   Man’s word and its effects.
               D   |   iii. 15-18.   The wisdom from above.
          C   |   iv. 1-5.   Lusts.
     B    |     c   |   iv. 6-10.   The proud resisted.  The humble exalted.
                     d   |   iv. 11-17.   Life likened to a vapour.
                         e   |   v. 1-6.   The end of the rich.
A   |   a   |   v. 7-12.   Patience.
             b   |   v. 13-20.   Prayer.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

3rd JOHN

A   |   1, 2.   Salutation.
     B   |   3, 4.   Witness as to walk in the truth.
          C   |   5-8.   Commendation:  love to strangers.
               D   |   9, 10.   Malice of Diotrephes.
          C   |   11.   Exhortation:  follow good.
     B   |   12.   Witness as to walk in the truth.
A   |   13, 14.   Salutation.

2nd JOHN

A   |   1-3.   Elect lady and children.   Benediction.
     B   |   4-6.   Children walking according to
                           the Father's commandment.
          C   |   7, 8.   Warning against deceivers.
     B   |   9-11.   Transgressors rejecting Christ's teaching. 
A   |   12, 13.   Joy fulfilled.
                   Children of elect sister.   Salutation.

1st JOHN

A   |   i. 1 - ii. 17.   Christ.   Declaration concerning Him.
     B   |   ii. 18-29.   Antichrist.
         C   |   iii.   Love.   God’s love to us.
     B   |   iv. 1-6.   Antichrist.
         C   |   iv. 7-21.   Love.   Our love to Him and the brethren.
A   |   v.   Christ.   Belief in Him.

Friday, August 15, 2014

2nd Peter

A   |   i. 1-4.   Opening Benediction.
                     Grace, peace, through the knowledge of God.
                     Called to His own glory.
    B   |   i. 5-11.   Give all diligence, never fall (ptaio).
                           Give diligence, make sure.
         C   |   a   |   i. 12-15.   “Stir up.”   “remembrance.”
                      b   |   i. 16-21.   The Apostles and Prophets.
                                                         “Knowing this first.”
                          c   |   ii. 1-22.   False prophets and false teachers.
                                      Reference to fall of angels,
                                      the Flood and
                                      the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
                                      An overthrow (katastrophe).
                                      Lusts of flesh and uncleanness.
          C   |   a   |   iii. 1.   “This second epistle, beloved,
                                      I now write unto you:
                                      In both which I stir up your pure minds
                                      by way of remembrance.
                       b   |   iii. 2, 3-.   The Prophets and Apostles.
                                                           “Knowing this first.”
                           c   |   iii. -3-13.   Scoffers.
                                               Reference to Creation and Flood.
                                               Dissolution of elements.
                                               Overflow (katakluzo).
                                               Walking after their own lusts.
    B   |   iii. 14-17.   Be diligent, fall (ekpipto).
A   |   iii. 18.   Closing Benediction.
                      Grow in grace and knowledge of Lord and Saviour.
                      To Him be glory.

1st Peter

A   |   i. 1, 2.   Introduction.   The elect at Pontus, etc.
     B   |   i. 3-13-.   Glory after suffering for a season (oligon).
         C   |   D   |   i. -13 - ii. 10.   The end.   
                                                   Grace at the revelation.
                       E   |   ii. 11 - iv. 6.   Suffering followed by glory.
         C   |   D   |   iv. 7-19.   The end.  
                                                   Joy at the revelation.
                       E   |   v. 1-9.   Suffering followed by glory.
      B   |   v. 10, 11.   Glory after suffering awhile (oligon).
A   |   v. 12-14.   Conclusion.   The elect at Babylon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


A   |   i. - v. 11.   Sins, rather than sin.
                            Law of Sinai.
                            Abraham, Israel, Jew and Gentile.
     B   |   v. 12 - viii. 39.   Sin, rather than sins.
                                           Adam, not Abraham.
                                           Law of sin and death.
A   |   ix. - xvi. 24.   Dispensational and Practical problems.
                                Abraham, Israel, Jew and Gentile.
     B   |   xvi. 25-27.   The mystery that had been “hushed”.
            No doctrine of Adam outside of the epistles of Paul.