Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ephesians as a whole

Ephesians   as   a   whole. 

A  |  a  |  i. 1, 2.  Grace and peace to saints and faithful from
                           God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 
          b  |  i. 3-14.  “Blessed be God”;  all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. 
    B  |  i. 15-.  Paul hears of the Ephesians’spiritual affairs;  result--“thanks.”
        C  |  c  |  i. -15.  Love to all saints
                  d  |  i. 16-19.  Paul’s prayer for the saints.   “That He may give”;  
                                                                                        “that ye may know.”
            D  |  i. 20-23.  The mighty Power, Principalities, &c.    Salvation. 
                E  |  ii. 1-18.   (1) Death & life  (2) Distance & nearness  (3) Peace & enmity
                                        The two walks.   Old and new creation.   “Good works.”
                    F  |  ii. 19-22.  The temple “fitly framed together” (sunarmologoumene). 
                                            The foundation of the Apostles and Prophets
                                                       — Jesus Christ Himself. 
                        G  |  iii. 1-13.  |  e  |  The prisoner in the Lord. 
                                                      f  |  The dispensation of the mystery.   
                                                               “The same body” (iii. 6). 
                            H  |  iii. 14-21.  Paul’s prayer.   
                                                     “The love of Christ which passeth knowledge.”
                                                     “The fulness of God.” 
                                                     “Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus.”
                        |  iv. 1-6.  |  e  |  The prisoner in the Lord. 
                                                   |  The unity of the Spirit, 
                                                                   “One body.”
                    |  iv. 7-16.  The body “fitly joined together” (surnarmologoumenon). 
                                           The ministry of the Apostles and Prophets—The Son of God. 
                |  iv. 17-vi. 9.  (1) Love and lust.  (2) Light and darkness. (3) Wisdom and folly.
                                             The two walks.   Old and new creation.   “Good works.”
            |  vi. 10-17.  The power of His might.  Principalities, &c.    Conflict. 
        C  |  |  vi. 18.  Prayer for all saints. 
                  d  |  vi. 19, 20.  Saints’prayer for Paul.   “may be given”;  
                                                                                  “make known.”
    |  vi. 21, 22.  Ephesians hear of Paul’s affair;  result--“comfort.”
|  vi. 23.  Peace with love and faith to the brethren from
                          God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 
           |  vi. 24.  Benediction on all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption.  

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