Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A   |   i. 1 - iii. 12.   Preparation.
     B   |   iii. 16, 17.   Voice from heaven.  “My beloved Son.”
              iv. 17.   Time:  “From that time Jesus began”.
          C   |   xvi. 16.   Peter’s confession,
                     “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”.
     B   |   xvi. 21.   Time:  “From that time forth began Jesus”.
              xvii. 5.   Voice out of cloud.  “My beloved Son.”
          C   |   xxvii. 54.   Centurion’s confession,
                                     “Truly this was the Son of God”.
A   |   xxviii.   Conclusion.

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