Wednesday, August 13, 2014

1st Corinthians

A   |   i. 1-9.   Epistolary.   Salutation.    Introduction.
     B   |   a   |   i. 10 - iv. 16.   Ministerial reproof and explanations.
                   b   |   c   |   iv. 17.   Mission of Timothy to bring before them
                                    the remembrance of Paul’s “ways” and teaching.
                                d   |   iv. 18-21.   Visit of Paul promised.
          C   |   v., vi.   Things reported to Paul.
          C   |   vii., viii.   Things enquired to Paul.
     B   |   a   |   ix. - xv.   Ministerial reproof and explanations.
                  b   |         d   |   xvi. 1-9.   Visit of Paul promised.
                            c   |   xvi. 10-18.   Mission of Timothy.
A   |   xvi. 19-24.   Epistolary.   Salutations.   Conclusion.

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