Friday, August 22, 2014

Old Covenant -- The Psalms

The   Psalms   (Kethubim.   The Writings).

A   |   THE PSALMS. — Personal experience and future prophecy.
     B   |   PROVERBS. — God’s moral government.
         C   |   JOB. — “The end of the Lord.”   Defeat of Satan.
             D   |   SONG OF SOLOMON. — A faithful woman.
                                                              Read at Passover.
                  E   |   ECCLESIASTES. — Vanity under the sun.
                                                              Read at Tabernacles.
             D   |   ESTHER. — A faithful woman. 
                                                               Read at Purim.
          C   |   DANIEL. — The time of the end.   Defeat of Antichrist.
     B   |   EZRA-NEHEMIAH. — Men who governed for God.
A   |   CHRONICLES. — Past history and foreshadowed future.

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