Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A   |   i. 1-28.   The forerunner.
     B   |   i. 29-34.   The baptism:  with water.
          C   |   i. 35 - xviii.1.   The fourfold ministry of the Lord.   |
                      e   |   i. 35 - iv. 54.  The kingdom.   \   proclaimed
                          f   |   v. 1 - vi. 71.   The King.       /
                          f   |   vii. 1 - xi. 54-.   The King.        \
                      e   |   xi. -54 - xviii. 1.  The kingdom.   /   rejected
     B   |   xviii. 2 - xx. 31.   The baptism:  of suffering
                                          (death, burial, & resurrection).
A   |   xxi. 1-25.   The successors.

1 comment:

  1. the structure of the four gospels in The Companion Bible are almost identical focusing on the "fourfold ministry of The Lord".
