Friday, August 15, 2014

1st Peter

A   |   i. 1, 2.   Introduction.   The elect at Pontus, etc.
     B   |   i. 3-13-.   Glory after suffering for a season (oligon).
         C   |   D   |   i. -13 - ii. 10.   The end.   
                                                   Grace at the revelation.
                       E   |   ii. 11 - iv. 6.   Suffering followed by glory.
         C   |   D   |   iv. 7-19.   The end.  
                                                   Joy at the revelation.
                       E   |   v. 1-9.   Suffering followed by glory.
      B   |   v. 10, 11.   Glory after suffering awhile (oligon).
A   |   v. 12-14.   Conclusion.   The elect at Babylon.

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